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Stupid Quiz 

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The Finder 

About this game 

In this simple game, you are the Finder. You are an advanced drone who's mission is to roam terrain in hopes of recovering lost belongings. There have been rumors of 9 items hidden throughout the terrain and you must find it all.

DEVELOPER NOTE: This is our first game and is not the best. Please repect the fact that we want to make games for you.


We would like to thank DijiginInteractive for suppling most of the coding. And also the Unity 3D game engine for powering the Finder and being so useful.  


PROGRESS: Complete


Mac OS X, Windows, Linux: Download


About this game

Deadwood is a first person horror game where you collect wood to start a fire and keep away the hangman, a unidentified creature that hangs it's victims in vines on trees. You need to keep refueling the fire until morning. If you don't, the hangman will take you away.


We would like to thank TFNERFMAN for the original idea and concept. We would also like to thank digijinInteractive for help with programming and 3D design. I would like to also in advance thank Unity 3D for the being the powerhouse for Deadwood and for being the useful game engine it is.


PROGRESS: Incomplete

Buy and download the game at it's website here
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